Monday, January 12, 2009

Give Us That Parma!

Date: Monday, January 12
The Delivery: A huge bag of Parma!
Staff Pick: We just can't get enough of Parma!, and Eat in the Raw has most definitely obliged us

The DL: Nothing short of chaos ensues at the VNHQ if our Parma! stash runs low. Thanks to this bulk delivery today, we won't have to worry for quite some time. What a wonderful way to start the week!


  1. I love the simple ingredients that go into Parma! I have been looking for a vegan topping for pasta and can't wait to try this stuff. :)

  2. Wow! That's quite the bag of Parma! My mother bought me some for Christmas, so I'm just getting my 1st taste of it these days.
