Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sensational Saké

Date: Wednesday, May 20
The Delivery: A sampling of Takara Saké's delicious-looking wares, including Nigori Crème de Saké and Hana flavored saké infused with lychee, Fuji apple, plum, and raspberry.
Staff Pick: Lychee Hana flavored saké

The DL: Don't worry about the "crème" in the Nigori saké. This misnomer refers to this Japanese beverage's cloudy appearance, not to any dairy products contained within. So, feel free to pour a glassfull and clink glasses with your dining companion next time you're sharing some veg sushi. We're looking forward to a few more saké deliveries this week in anticipation of our upcoming saké taste test. Stay tuned!

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