Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From the UK, With Love

Date: Tuesday, November 10
The Delivery: A vegan cookbook
Staff Pick: Another Dinner is Possible by Mike and Isy of Britain's Anarchist Teapot Mobile Kitchen

The DL: This cool-looking cookbook hails from the United Kingdom, with such recipes as Fake Mincemeat Spread and Treacle Tart. It even comes complete with a US-British glossary and conversions table, so don't worry if you don't know what treacle is—it's similar to molasses.

Only four more days left at VegNews.com for a chance to win a Thanksgiving Feast!


  1. My sis lives in the UK..I'll have her give this alook :)

  2. This book is actually a new, US edition of the UK book! The publishing company I work for, AK Press, just put it out, and we're local to the Bay Area!
    Anyway, I highly recommend it. And don't worry about having to pay international shipping-- www.akpress.org.
