Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Peanut Butter to the Rescue!

The Date: Tuesday, March 9
The Delivery: Several boxes of granola bars (three non-vegan)
Staff Pick: The Peanut Choco Organic granola bar from Nature's Path

The DL: Three of these granola bars contain yogurt, but fortunately the majority are vegan, which makes us very happy. These make a super mid-day snack, as you can see from the already opened box.


  1. I generally like Nature's Path's line of cereals (the ones that aren't really sweet, like Heritage Os), but when I tried one of their line of granola bars, I had to write to the company. I did see the sugar content on the outside of the pumpkin-flax box, but they were on sale and because I like the company, I thought, what the heck. Never again--they stuck to my teeth like candy, not good food. Then I got a sugar headache. So I'm back to baking again -- I generally cut recipes' sweetener amounts by half and everything turns out plenty sweet and you can taste the ingredients, not just the sugars. It's just outrageous how much sweetener is in most processed foods (and many recipes); no wonder so many are addicted to sugar, fat and diabetic!

  2. WTF!!!??? My Lord those Peanut Butter Chocobars look delish!

    Eileen, I make homemade "power bars", ganola bars & breakfast cookies and sell them at my local fitness center! They are vegan and people love them! So there's hope yet! ;)
