Thursday, October 28, 2010

Colorful Veganism

The Date: Thursday, October 28
The Delivery: A cookbook, Dark Angell vegan candy bars, and Purely Elizabeth vegan baking mixes. In other words, a great day for deliveries!
Staff Pick: Color Me Vegan by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

The DL: It takes a great


book for us to be able to pick it when it is competing with new vegan candy bars and cookie mixes, but VegNews columnist Colleen Patrick-Goudreau has produced just that with what looks like a stunning book featuring vegan recipes containing antioxidant-rich colorful ingredients packed with flavor.

Pop this baby on your Christmas list people, it looks like a winner! In the meantime, come schmooze with San Franciscan vegans including the VegNews staffers tonights at SF Vegan Drinks. Cheers!

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