Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Meat Alternatives

The Date: Thursday, November 18
The Delivery: Meat alternatives
Staff Pick: Meat alternatives from EcoVegan.

The DL: After tasting some of the EcoVegan meat alternatives at both the SF World VegFest and the SF Green Festival, we were more than excited to receive these samples today. EcoVegan has created ready-to-serve meat alternatives containing non-GMO wheat and non-GMO soy, and they sound delicious! Come on, who doesn't love ready-prepared vegan convenience foods on those lazy nights when you want a stir-fry and you want it fast? Well, we might be able to help you out with your no-effort Thanksgiving. Enter our Thanksgiving giveway to win a Native Foods Wellington roast and Apple-Pie fudge from Allison's Gourmet!

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