Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New You

The Date: Monday, January
The Delivery: Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Staff Pick: The only item!

The DL: Happy 2011, everyone! We're thrilled to be back at work here at the VNHQ, and hope that you all had wonderful holidays. While we weren't overwhelmed with the volume of today's goods, it's hard to argue with the quality. Yes, we've received this book before, and yes, we're grateful to see it again. Maybe some of us are thinking about reducing ourselves a bit after teh holiday indulgences. Maybe this book comes at the perfect time. Just saying! Here's to the new year, and more new products to come!


  1. This is a really mediocre review that doesn't actually say anything about the book. It's even a little insulting to Isa to say that you chose it because it had no competition. I don't know why you published a review that lacks any content - positive or negative.

  2. Hi Anon,

    There's actually a good reason why this blog post doesn't comment on the content of the book—it's not a review! This blog just tracks all the varied products that come into the VNHQ for review. For reviews, please check out our magazine!
