Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Deodorant and Chocolate

The Date: Wednesday, February 16
The Delivery: Assorted bittersweet chocolate bars from Poco Dolce and deodorant sticks from Organic Grooming by Herban Cowboy
Staff Pick: The hazelnut bittersweet chocolate bar

The DL: Some things in life are no-brainers. Eat your veggies. Look both ways before crossing the street. Puppies are cute. Some things, however, are not. With six different delectable-sounding flavors, it was the Sophie's Choice of chocolate for today's Staff Pick. We decided to go with hazelnut because that's what we ended up pointing at while our eyes were closed. We haven't tried any yet, but as is evident by This Week's Must Have (chocolate) and an entire featurette on (you guessed it) chocolate, we'll probably be perfectly happy with all of them.

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