Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chips, Care Packages, and Cookbooks

The Date: Wednesday, March 16
The Delivery: Sea salt Chip'ins from Popcorn, Indiana, an eco-friendly care package from Eco Emi, and a copy of Vegan Diner by Julie Hasson
Staff Pick: The care package

The DL: Who doesn't like the idea of getting a special surprise in the mail every month? This bundle was full of the latest in eco-friendly and sustainable beauty, home, and more. A mini candle, tea, and face lotion? We wouldn't mind getting one of these care packages on the regular! Speaking of care, our hearts go out to the people and animals of Japan after Friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami. If you are looking to help out companion animals and others in Japan, check out our list of organizations requesting donations. Every little bit helps those in need, both two-legged and four.

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