Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vegan Chocolates and Frozen Pizza

The Date: Tuesday, May 24
The Delivery: A box of vegan chocolates from Premium Chocolatiers and frozen cheese pizzas from Turtle Island Foods
Staff Pick: The chocolates!

The DL: Just stop right there. Did you see those chocolates? We had to pinch ourselves quite a few times to make sure we weren't dreaming when we opened this box and inside found vegan chocolates that looked so amazingly scrumptious. Plus, you know that it has to be something special to beat out frozen vegan pizza. We're going to cut this post short so that we can spend more time taste-testing. In the meantime, check out our new featurette on natural allergy relief in case your springtime sniffles are getting out of hand.

1 comment:

  1. The combination looks great. Will that be available at all places or any particular place?
    Chocolate gift baskets
