Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The Date: Wednesday, August 3
The Delivery: A really, really big box of pico de gallo chips from Beanfields!
Staff Pick: The chips!

The DL: This delivery of one of our favorite brands of chips (it was a VegPick in our July+August issue, after all!) could not have come at a better time—we just sent the September+October issue to press this very morning and now we're famished! It was a long road, and we here at the VN can't wait to celebrate with Beanfields now and a tipple or two this evening. Want to throw your own cocktail party without spending an arm and a leg? Editorial Assistant Hilary tells you just how to do it on Savvy Vegan. Sangria, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Beans + chips sound really good. I have tried lentil chips before but want to try other types. There's no shame in eating chips for breakfast. It is better then not eating breakfast. ;-)
