Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Cookbook and Vegan Lotion

The Date: Wednesday, August 10
The Delivery: 500 Vegan Dishes by Deborah Gray and lavender shea butter from Från Krämer
Staff Pick: 500 Vegan Dishes

The DL: It's a double-edged sword, vegan cookbooks: On the one hand, you get a whole host of awesome-looking recipes with beautiful photos for almost every one (as is the case with Gray's cookbook), but on the other hand, there's no Baked Rice Pudding or Leek and Potato Soup anywhere (unless, you know, you make it). We guess it's just part of the job. Make it your job to vote in the world's largest survey of vegan people, places, and products, aka The VegNews Veggie Awards!

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