Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust and Books

The Date: Tuesday, August 30
The Delivery: Thrive Foods by Brendan Brazier, Extinction by John McCabe, and gluten-free artisan pizza crusts from Toovaloo
Staff Pick: The pizza crusts!

The DL: Ohmygoshwelovepizza. (Sorry about the lack of spaces. We were too excited to talk about pizza to use the spacebar.) We're already imagining what to top this gluten-free crust with: pesto? Marinara? Veggies? Vegan pepperoni? Our minds are reeling. For more pizza (yes please!), check out our brand-new September+October issue, featuring a taste test with five frozen vegan pizzas. Which one was our favorite? You'll have to buy a copy to find out!


  1. I clicked through to the makers of the gluten-free crust and saw that it contained honey...

  2. Whoops! Good catch, CV. We apologize for the oversight.
