Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Non-Vegan Books and a Documentary

The Date: Tuesday, August 23
The Delivery: Copies of the documentary PlanEAT and non-vegan books and cookbooks: Good Better Best by Mitch Plotnick, Salad Daze: The Hot Knives Vegetarian Cookbook by Alex Brown and Evan George, 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created by Charles C. Mann, and 175 Best Babycakes Cupcake Maker Recipes by Kathy Moore and Roxanne Wyss
Staff Pick: PlanEAT

The DL: This film, which documents scientists, chefs, and farmers as they search for the best diet for our health, the environment, and the future of the planet, sounds right up our alley. Perhaps we will stage a viewing tonight, after this evening's Twitter Chat, of course. Want to find out how some of the most successful bloggers around made their blogs full-time jobs? Join us tonight at 9pm ET/6pm PT at hashtag #VegNewsChat. Hope to see you there!

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