Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Queso and Sweets

The Date: Wednesday, August 17
The Delivery: Graham crackers, mini s'mores, and a tote bag from Sweet & Sara and jars of Nacho Mom's Ultimate Vegan Queso, Fire-Roasted Queso, and Voodoo Queso
Staff Pick: The Voodoo Queso!

The DL: Some days, our deliveries are dry as a bone; other times (such as today), we are blessed beyond our wildest dreams. Choosing a staff favorite today was like picking your favorite sheep at a farm sanctuary—you truly can't go wrong—but something about Nacho Mom's new black bean queso won us over. Maybe it was the fact that there were six jars of it: It's pretty much begging us to try it at work and then take a jar or two home. If you insist, Voodoo Queso. If you insist.

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