Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chocolate and Vegan Goodies

The Date: Tuesday, September 6
The Delivery: Chocolate bars and bark from Tumbador Chocolate, chocolate bark and a smoky corn chocolate bar from Lagusta's Luscious, and vegan cheese steaks and whoopie pies from Café Indigo
Staff Pick: The whoopie pies!

The DL: We are back from a wonderful holiday weekend filled with sunshine, grilled sweet corn, and the Vaute Couture Pop-Up Show, and we must say, a haul like this is a good way to be welcomed back. One look at these whoopie pies and we were hooked—all we need now is a glass of almond milk to go with them. And maybe some chocolate bark, too. Today marks the second to last day to order a subscription to VegNews in time to get the November+December issue: Order today and get it delivered to your door just in time for holiday fun!

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