Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vegan Condoms

The Date: Thursday, September 22
The Delivery: Vegan condoms from Sir Richard's Condom Company
Staff Pick: The classic pack

The DL: We know of  the existence of awesome one-for-one programs for shoes and glasses, and Sir Richard's participates too—for every condom the company sells, they give one to community organizations in developing countries. In addition, Sir Richard's is hitting colleges on the West Coast this fall to talk safe sex. Now that's some social responsibility! Today's been a crazy day here at VegNews—besides proofing our November+December issue and noshing on pizza and Champagne at lunch, we also just announced that tickets are now on sale for the VegNews Book Bash with Spork Foods! Want to meet the sisters behind Spork Foods, get their new cookbook, and enjoy Champagne and dessert? Buy a ticket today!

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