Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Earl Grey and Emergen-C

The Delivery: Emergen-C vitamin drink mix and Bigelow Earl Grey Tea, courtesy of Managing Editor Elizabeth Castoria
Staff Pick: Emergen-C

The DL: Sayonara, Indian Summer, and not-so-welcome salutations to you, rainy season. Yes, winter is steadily making its way into San Francisco, as temperatures seem to be dropping a few degrees each day and clouds have turned our once blue sky a dismal grey. But we’re prepared to bear the cold, damp atmosphere with beloved Earl Grey tea and a boost of vitamin-C with Emergen-C. If we still can’t warm up, we’ll probably cook up some Sambar Lentil Stew, order some spicy hot cocoa mix with homemade marshmallows from Etsy, and daydream about tropical vacations (Mexico, anyone?). If you need us, you can probably find us hibernating under our desks.


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