Thursday, November 3, 2011

Books and Chocolate

The Delivery: I’m Mad as Hell, And I’m Not Going to Eat it Anymore! by Christina Pirello, Jazzy Vegetarian cookbook by Laura Theodore, and chocolate truffles from Gratitude Gourmet
Staff Pick: I’m Mad as Hell And I’m Not Going to Eat it Anymore!

The DL: Astute readers may realize that our staff pick today is a book mentioned in our recently debuted November+December issue, which is now available on the newsstand. While we’ve posted the fabulous Veggie Award results on our website, certain stories, such as book reviews, food features (Wild Waffles, anyone?), and news stories remain exclusively in print, so step away from the computer and relive the experience of reading a physical magazine! Trust us, you won’t regret it. 


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