Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Healthy Voyager book and Pom Wonderful

The Delivery: The Healthy Voyager’s Global Kitchen by Carolyn Scott-Hamilton and Pom Wonderful’s “Pom Poms” fresh arils
Staff Pick: The Healthy Voyager’s Global Kitchen

The DL: We were so excited to see the forthcoming book by jet-setter Carolyn Scott-Hamilton. This woman is constantly on the go, but somehow still manages to keep her kitchen stocked with the best vegan foods. Check out what’s in her fridge on the very last page of the November+December issue of VegNews. Speaking of the best vegan stuff, Sticky Fingers bakery in DC sent us an amazing array of treats last week. If you want to have a similar box of goodness delivered right to your door, enter our Sticky Fingers giveaway! All you have to do is tell us what your favorite vegan holiday cookie is. The winner will be chosen at random on Monday, November 14. Best of luck!


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