Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vegan Marshmallows and Cupcakes Galore

The Delivery: Apple Spice, S'mores, and Cookies 'n' Cream cupcakes from Karolynh's and a holiday care package from Sweet & Sara filled with marshmallow-peppermint bark and holiday marshmallows
Staff Pick: The S'mores cupcake!

The DL: The only thing better than a delivery from Sweet & Sara is a delivery from Sweet & Sara followed by cupcakes! These delightful gems were hand-delivered by Karolynh herself, and will be promptly devoured post-blog post. Want some holiday treats for yourself? Head over to the VegNews Holiday Store, where you'll find the best-smelling holiday candle in creation (it's This Week's Must-Have, after all), myriad vegan chocolates, and one-year gift subscriptions to VegNews for 25-percent off!

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