Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Books and a T-Shirt

The Delivery: The Guru in You by Yogi Cameron Alborzian, No Happy Cows: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the Food Revolution by John Robbins, and a T-shirt from Animal Place.
Staff Pick: The Guru in You

The DL: With two days left until the weekend, a bit of mid-week meditation is sounding pretty appealing. Good thing we’ve got this copy of Yogi Cameron Alborzian’s The Guru in You to peruse. Alvorzian is a fully trained Aryuvedic therapist—and a former supermodel—so on top of knowing his stuff, he’s a total dreamboat, which makes flipping through his book as fun as it is educational. Maybe tonight while we’re unwinding in Downward Dog, we can contemplate how awesome it is to be veg.

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