Monday, January 23, 2012

Books and Trail-Mix Bars

The Delivery: The Sexy Vegan Cookbook by Brian L. Patton, Barron's Quick Check Food Facts and Cliff Bar Mojo trail-mix bars
Staff Pick: The Sexy Vegan Cookbook

The DL: We’ve been hard at work on our March+April “Man” issue, so it was fitting that this advance copy of Brian L. Patton’s The Sexy Vegan Cookbook showed up at our office. Featuring dishes like The Real Man’s Quiche and The Portly Fellow sandwich—plus a generous helping of dirty jokes—Patton’s book is even more evidence (as if we need any) that there’s nothing emasculating about vegan eats. While you’re waiting for the “Man” issue to hit newsstands, check out “Veganism Saved My Life,” which picks up where the January+February print feature of the same name left off. Enjoy!

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