Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Books and Raw Chocolates

The Delivery: Raw chocolate from Cloud 9, Finding Ultra by Rich Roll,  The Organic Nanny's Guide to Raising Healthy Kids by Barbara Rodriguez (not vegan), and Eco Chef Bryan Au's Raw Star Recipes
Staff Pick: Finding Ultra by Rich Roll

The DL: We couldn’t wait to flip through vegan athlete extraordinaire Rich Roll’s new book, which details his dramatic transformation from out-of-shape stress-case to one of the world’s top endurance athletes—a transformation he began when he was in his 40s. Impressed? So were we, which is why he was one of the vegan dads we featured in our March+April Man issue. Don’t worry if you don’t see yourself entering an ultra-triathlon anytime soon, you can make small changes to your physical health by following VN contributor Bianca Phillips' 7 Steps to Becoming a Healthier Vegan. Who knows, you might be running alongside Rich in no time!

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