Monday, February 27, 2012

Tea, a Book, and Vegan Nacho Chips

The Delivery: The Transformational Power of Fasting by Stephen Harrod Buhner, teas from Choice Organic, and Beanfields' Nacho Bean and Rice chips
Staff Pick: The nacho chips!

The DL: The arrival of these Beanfields chips was met with squeals of joy throughout VNHQ—an understandable response considering vegan nacho chips almost sound too good to be true. While they may threaten to derail any attempts at foregoing snacks this week (especially after collectively polishing off not one but two boxes of Birthday Cake Oreos last week), we're welcoming these triangular treats into our veg snack reserve with open arms. Another vegan treat we're happily embracing this week? Veganized Girl Scout cookies, coming to a pantry near you!

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