Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Not-So-Friendly Book

Date: Wednesday, October 14
The Delivery: A book regarding a moral dilemma
Staff Pick: Due to it being the only arrival, The Butcher & The Vegetarian by Tara Austen Weaver

The DL: This book is a woman's memoir telling of her moral crisis with eating meat or not. The dilemma is not too hard for us to figure out—ditch the meat, crisis solved!

For meatless meal ideas, hurry over to Café VegNews for your third chance to win The Conscious Cook by Tal Ronnen.


  1. I wish you would be more accepting to non-vegans. If someone decides after 35 years to go vegetarian, that's fantastic! If a family decides they are going to stick with meatless Mondays, that's great too. People commit to what they can and slowly the population in making a change. You should maybe rate the book as a piece of literature instead of automatically 'poo-pooing' it because the woman can't decide.

  2. I disagree 100% with HoopMoo. For one thing, VegNews celebrates veganism, not half-way-there. If you want pussy-footing around the truth, or apologies, read Vegetarian Times.
    For another, there's a difference between people who haven't fully educated themselves on the moral tragedy of eating animals, and someone who knows and still whines they face a moral crisis. There is no moral crisis with veganism; meatless-mondayers and vegetarians are either uneducated about what we do to animals, or are lying to themselves that it's ok in small amounts/certain situations.
    Keep celebrating at the full vegan party, VegNews!
