Thursday, October 7, 2010

Books, Marshies, and CDs!

The Date: Thursday, October 7
The Delivery: Books, marshmallows, and a t-shirt.
Staff Pick: Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook by Kim Barnouin

The DL: The mail is picking up again and we're as pleased as can be. As happy as new veg books, CD's, t-shirts, and marshmallows make us, Kim Barnouin's new cookbook takes the cake. Literally, that is, since Editorial Assistants Brooke Still and Gabrielle Pope just returned from an amazing lunch at The Plant Cafe hosted by Kim Barnouin herself, along with Nasoya Tofu. Complimenting a beautiful salad, tofu tacos, and chocolate cake, were also tips from Barnouin on how to make the most of your tofu. The goodie bag from Nasoya included Barnouin's new book, which she told us even her mom has yet to see! Read all about the Nasoya lunch in tomorrow's Press Pass entry by Brooke Still.

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