Friday, January 14, 2011

Cookies, Brownies, and Vegan Mozz Sticks

The Date: Friday, January 14
The Delivery: A seriously awesome haul: trail mix cookies and brownie bears from the Sun Flour Baking Company and a ginormous bag of Teese vegan mozzarella sticks from Chicago Soydairy
Staff Pick: The mozzarella sticks

The DL: Question: Is there a better way to celebrate the beginning of the three-day weekend than with mozzarella sticks? Answer: Unequivocally, no. Needless to say, we will be digging into this ginormous bag of cheesy goodness like competitive food eaters. We will, however, pause from pigging out just long enough to wish you all a safe and exciting Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend. See you Tuesday!

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