Thursday, January 27, 2011

Skin Care and Soap and Books, Oh My!

The Date: Thursday, January 27
The Delivery: Liquid Soap Soother from Emily Skin Soothers, Earth Science's new Active Age Defense skincare line, Clean Start by Terry Walters, and two copies of The Bond by Wayne Pacelle
Staff Pick: The Active Age Defense Hydrating Day Cream

The DL: Who wouldn't want an ulta-moisturizing day cream for these harsh winter months? We are excited to slather the contents of this jar on our faces in the hopes that it will make our skin look gorgeous for tonight. What are the VN staffers up to, you ask? Not only are we (along with our friends at Vegansaurus) hosting the first SF Vegan Drinks of the year, but we are also attending Gracias Madre's one year anniversary! If you don't follow Café VegNews, we eat there. A lot. And we love it. A lot.

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