The Date: Tuesday, February 22
The Delivery: The Kind Diet paperback by Alicia Silverstone, Vegan Desserts by Hannah Kaminsky, and Wholesome Cuisine Meals in Hawaiian Chick'n and Chili Mix with Beans from ND Labs, Inc.
Staff Pick: Vegan Desserts
The Goods: Everyone here at VNHQ is ridiculously excited about this evening's first ever VegNews Twitter Chat, featuring Kris Carr in all of her crazy sexy glory. We have been counting down the seconds until 6pm PST rolls around (32,400 to be exact), which has led to quite a few bouncing legs and cups of tea to calm excited nerves. Luckily, Hannah Kaminsky's new cookbook, filled with mouth-watering recipes (there's No-Bake Pumpkin Crème Brulee in there. No big deal.) will definitely keep us distracted until it's time to tweet. Until then, we'll be trying to keep the pages of Vegan Desserts drool-free.
Hooray, how exciting!! I would love to hear any feedback, of course. :)