The Date: Friday, February 25
The Delivery: Jurlique's Purely White skin brightening line, assorted roll-on deodorants from Kiss My Face, and vanilla raspberry cake, cookies, and muffins from Everyday Gourmet
Staff Pick: The vanilla raspberry cake!
The DL: We’re pretty big fans of homemade vegan cake. With icing. And raspberry sauce. We're even bigger fans of homemade vegan cake with icing and raspberry sauce when we get to put as much of the icing and raspberry sauce on top as we want (and yes, it will be the entire bag). Everyday Gourmet’s treats really sweetened up our Friday, and we can’t wait to dive in. Need something else to dive into this weekend? Why not three issues of VegNews for only $10?! Check out our Celebrity Cover Blowout Sale at the VegNews Store. Have a great weekend!
Okay, on this front page alone there are six - SIX - posts about you guys receiving deodorant products... I know the weather's warming up, but DAMN. Having some issues over there?? :P Lol.