Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vegan and Green Cookbooks

The Date: Tuesday, February 1
The Delivery: The Happy Herbivore Cookbook by Lindsay S. Nixon and Eat Greens by Barbara Scott-Goodman and Liz Trovato
Staff Pick: The Happy Herbivore Cookbook

The DL: Home fries and cupcakes and meatball subs are a few of our favorite things. Not the healthiest though, right? Wrong! We are looking forward to Lindsay Nixon's new cookbook chock full of fat-free and low-fat vegan versions of our favorite highly caloric (and highly delicious) eats. We can just picture ourselves whipping up a batch of her guacamole before settling down on the couch. Speaking of couches, today office manager extraordinaire Lyndsay teaches you how to be a cheap (and healthy!) couch potato on VN's newly re-vamped Savvy Vegan blog. Check it out. After you make the guacamole, of course.

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for the mention! I hope you really enjoy the recipes!
