Monday, February 7, 2011

Vegan Dog Treats

The Date: Monday, February 7
The Delivery: Assorted organic superfood dog biscuits from Barking District Bakery
Staff Pick: The peanut butter and banana biscuits

The DL: After the lovely folks at Barking District saw Associate Editor Jenn mention her sweet lab Buddy in her staff bio, they decided to send her this box of (doggie) treats. The yummy-sounding flavors of these organic, all-natural vegan bites kind of make us wish we were dogs (not to mention getting petted, napping all day, and being adorable 24-7). While we can't taste-test, we thought that the peanut butter and banana biscuits sounded the most scrumptious. We could ask Buddy, Cal, and Khane (the VN office pups) after they try the treats, but unfortunately none of us have the power to speak to dogs. Maybe Dr. Dolittle is in our Rolodex somewhere.

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