Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Expo West Vegan Haul

The Date: Tuesday, March 15
The Delivery: Boxes and boxes (and more boxes!) of new vegan products from this weekend's Natural Products Expo West 2011
Staff Pick: With so many awesome new products, it's impossible to choose!

The DL: Annnnnd we're back from Expo West! With a lot of stuff! The sheer volume of new products we brought back with us (from Daiya pepperjack cheese to Earth Balance coconut spread to a Bamboo Bottle) is enough to make our heads spin, not to mention trying to remember all the new foods, drinks, beauty products, and supplements we tried. Honestly, it's all a haze. Good thing we brought cameras! Check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for photos, the scoop on new vegan bites that are sure to be staples in your refrigerator, and our 6th annual Best of Show winners. (Did someone say vegan calamari?!) The stomachaches eventually fade, but the memories last a lifetime.

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