Friday, March 4, 2011

Vegan Foie Gras

The Date: Friday, March 4
The Delivery: The Regal Vegan Faux Gras Toasted Walnut Lentil Pâté
Staff Pick: The Faux Gras

The DL: Two containers of The Regal Vegan's Faux Gras arrived at our door today, and we couldn't be more excited to start dipping some (fancy) crackers into it! Instead of being made from duck or goose livers, this spread is walnut- and lentil-based. Healthy, tasty, and cruelty-free? Yes, please. With this week's giveaway of Sjaak's amazing candy bars included, nobody can say vegans don't eat well.


  1. Not something I'd go near, but it may be a helpful transition food for new vegans who used to eat the bad version. Get it in the stores then, and let's hope it makes it a nice big dent in fois gras sales.

  2. sounds interesting even though I never liked the traditional version, when I tried it a long time ago P.V (pre-vegetarian)

  3. never had fois gras, never wanted to.. but i love walnuts and lentils, so i'd definitely try this

  4. I love this stuff. Even my 'i dont eat green things' 2yr old eats this by the pot!
