Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Vegan-Vampire Book

The Date: Tuesday, April 26
The Delivery: The Vampire and The Vegan, Book 1: Food by Merlene Alicia Vassal
Staff Pick: The book

The DL: Well, we think it's safe to say that the whole world is a little vampire-crazed. Being vegans and all, the whole idea is a little foreign to us (why drink blood when you can drink green juice, right?), but Merlene Alicia Vassal's first novel has us intrigued. A story about a waitress vampire and the vegan she won't eat because his blood is meatless (and therefore unappetizing) makes us both interested to read more and thankful that if vampires are real, they're not going to want to eat us. Perhaps if they tried Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter (which we're giving away an entire case of), they'd quit that nasty blood-drinking habit.

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