Friday, May 27, 2011

Pizza, a Cookbook, and Eye Makeup Remover

The Date: Friday, May 17
The Delivery: Frozen pizzas from Rossini's Gourmet Fare, Fast and Flavorful Meatless Meals by Jessie Price and the EatingWell Test Kitchen, and eye makeup remover from Earth Science
Staff Pick: The chamomile green tea eye makeup remover

The DL: With Southern Comfort and SF Vegan Drinks back-to-back, not to mention finishing up our fantastic July+August issue (it's white hot!), today is leaving the VN staff a little worn out. We hope the calming chamomile in this eye makeup remover will calm and soothe our tired, puffy eyes. Not that we're complaining: If it's wrong to have two straight days of delicious food and tasty spirits, we don't want to be right. We are, however, looking forward to a very restful Memorial Day weekend. We will see you again Tuesday!

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