Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Cookbook, Pizza, and Sticky Fingers

The Date: Thursday, June 9
The Delivery: Eat Vegan on $4 a Day by Ellen Jaffe Jones, vegan frozen pizza from Tofutti, and assorted baked goods from Sticky Fingers Bakery
Staff Pick: The box of baked treats!

The DL: The best gifts are those that keep on giving, especially if those gifts are boxes filled with some of the best vegan sweets money can buy. Birthday lady and VN Managing Editor Elizabeth received this goodie box in the mail today, the contents of which include Cowvin Cookies, Little Devils, and brownies, not to mention chocolate chip, pecan, and oatmeal raisin cookies. Let's just say we usually take the photos for This Just In after lunch, but after this morning's delivery, we made an exception.


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