Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Cookbook, Mixes, and Skincare

The Date: Tuesday, August 16
The Delivery: Cake, cookie, pizza crust, and seasoning mixes from Simply Organic; lip balm and body scrub from Zaaina Skincare; and World Vegan Feast by Bryanna Clark Grogan
Staff Pick: World Vegan Feast

The DL: This cookbook contains 200 hundred recipes from more than 50 countries. Our minds are blown. Moroccan? Italian? Balinese? Scottish! Ukranian! South African! Okay, we're not going to name all 50, but we sure do want to taste them. We don't even know what Scandinavian Christmas Bread is, but it looks delicious. Speaking of Christmas, we are hard at work on our November+December issue, which is packed full of holiday cheer and a little thing we like to call The Veggie Awards. Vote for your favorites today!

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