Friday, August 26, 2011

Gourmet Simple Syrup

The Date: Friday, August 26
The Delivery: Four flavors of Royal Rose Simple Syrups—rose, lavender-lemon, raspberry, and tamarind
Staff Pick: The Lavender-Lemon Syrup

The DL: Gourmet flavored syrups from Brooklyn? Count us in! While most of the VegNews staff is in Portland noshing on all of Oregon's delicious veg fare at Vida Vegan Con, the rest of us will be taking our drinks to the next level with these syrups: lavender-lemon soda, raspberry cosmos, and rose gimlets, just to name a few. If we really want to get crazy, we might even make our own custom combos. Raspberry-rose martinis, anyone? After all, it's Friday...

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