Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nut Milk Cheese and Skinny Bitch

The Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Delivery: Four types of nut milk cheeses from Punk Rawk Labs and Skinny Bitch: Home, Beauty, & Style by Kim Barnouin
Staff Pick: Punk Rawk Labs’ Smoked Cashew Nut Milk Cheese

The DL: It’s official—this day is perfect. The weather is showcasing the best of Indian Summer, the weekend is within sight, and Punk Rawk Labs Nut Milk Cheese has just arrived. Considering yesterday’s massive shipment of bread, it looks like we’ve got a classy little party on our hands. Now who’s bringing the wine?

OK, so maybe we’re not going to lounge around all afternoon, sipping Chardonnay and noshing on gourmet bread and cheese. We’ve got a magazine to produce! But come this evening, you can find the VN staff winding down with some luscious libations at our monthly SF Vegan Drinks Night. Hope to see you there! 

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