Monday, October 10, 2011

Thai Treats

The Delivery: Cashew apple juice, miso paste, coconut taffy, tom-yum-coated cashews, certificates of adoption from the Gibbon Rehabilitation Project Phuket, Thai language flashcards, 7-Eleven plastic bag celebrating vegetarianism, vegetarian festival fan, May Kaidee’s Thai Vegtarian and Vegan Cookbook by May Kaidee and Jo Thavon, Vegetarian Food, Free From Diseases and Retribution guide from the Vegetarian Centre of Thailand, Biography of a Pet Dog: The Story of Tongdaeng by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej 
Staff Pick: Coconut Taffy

The DL: A big “welcome back” to all the participants of the VegNews’ Food Lover’s Tour of Thailand! We’re celebrating the return of Publisher Joseph Connelly and Associate Publisher Colleen Holland by sampling all of the Thai goodies they stuffed in their suitcases. During our weekly Monday morning meeting, Colleen filled us in on the highlights of the past few weeks abroad, including vegan Thai cooking classes, the adoption of four adorable gibbons, and an enlightening visit to an all-veg village. If you’re interested in seeing the world through a veg lens, check out our other vacations. There are just a few more spots on the next trip, a yoga retreat to Mexico, so get your spot today!


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