Friday, December 23, 2011

New Vegan Books

The Delivery: Species Matters, edited by Marianne DeKoven and Michael Lundblad; The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick by Gene Stone; and Full-Filled by Renée Stephens
Staff Pick: The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick

The DL: It's no secret that those who eat a plant-based diet have strong immune systems, but even we are not impervious to catching the common cold every once in while. That's why we're intrigued to find out what secrets Gene Stone (a fellow plant-based eater!) shares in this new book. However, we're selfishly hoping Secrets does not include a chapter on how you shouldn't eat cupcakes and cookies within cookies. We here at VegNews are closing up shop for the holidays, and that includes our daily posts here on This Just In. From all of us here at VegNews, we wish you happy holidays and a safe and prosperous new year! We'll see you again on January 2, 2012!

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