Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Books and Vegan Cookie Dough
The Delivery: Chocolate chip cookie dough from Celeste's Best, Everyday Enlightenment by His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa, and The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook by Beth Hensperger and Julie Kaufman (not vegan)
Staff Pick: The cookie dough!
The DL: So, here's the thing: Celeste's Best actually sent us two tubs of this cookie dough, but we were too excited to try it and started baking up cookies and eating raw cookie dough long before this post was written. And we have to say, this dough is fantastic. It's no wonder this Austin, TX-based bakery has been around for more than 10 years! Speaking of Austin, we matched this Lone Star city up against Salt Lake City to find The Next Great Vegan City in our new March+April issue. Want to know the winner? Buy an issue today!
Celeste's Best Cookie Dough is amazing! The hardest part is not eating the whole thing straight out of the fridge... if you have the patience to bake it, it's even more delicious! Celeste's Best also sells delicious fresh baked goods all over Austin!