Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cookbooks, Vegan Pasta Sauce, and Eco-Friendly Beverage Accessories

The Delivery: Cooking Vegan by Vesanto Melina and Joseph Forest, Victoria Vegan Pasta Sauces from  Victoria Fine Foods, reusable beverage accessories from Green Paxx, and Fresh and Green by Aldo Zilli (not vegan)
Staff Pick: Cooking Vegan

The DL: We're back from Expo West, and boy was it a doozy. After tons of excitement, a few bad stomachaches, and more food samples than we can count, we're glad to be sitting at our desks in the VNHQ. And after all that eating, we're more than happy to flip through pages of "healthful, delicious, and easy" recipes. Bring on the green smoothies! Want to see what went down at Expo West? Head on over to our Facebook page and check out our photos!

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