Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chocolate Bars and a Book

The Date: Thursday, February 10
The Delivery: The Exultant Ark by Jonathan Balcombe and chocolate bars from Eli's Earth Bars in caramel, peanuts, and peanut butter; coconut and almonds; and peanut butter crunch with caramel
Staff Pick: The caramel, peanuts, and peanut butter chocolate bar

The DL: Adding these bars to the growing pile of chocolaty goodness we've received (chocolate sauce, chocolate cake, chocolate peanut butter cups...), we have to ask ourselves one question: Do we feel lucky? Abso-friggin'-lutely! While we may not be quite lucky enough to be visiting the Taj Mahal or checking out animals at Keoladeo National Park like the folks on VN's Great Adventure to India 2011, at least we can peruse their pictures while trying out these caramel, chocolate, and peanut butter concoctions.

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