Monday, September 26, 2011

Books and a Board Game

The Date: Monday, September 26
The Delivery: Healthy Eating Healthy World by J. Morris Hicks, EcoMind by Frances Moore LappĂ©, Sister Vegetarian’s 31 Days of Drama-Free Living by Donna M. Beaudoin, and Animal Matters’ Fur & Feathers board game
Staff Pick: Fur & Feathers

The DL: While all these books look informative, all we want to do is play games to ease the Monday madness. That's where Fur & Feathers comes in—Although Banangrams usually satisfies our need for competition, the game will provide a gentler lunchtime contest; it's rated ages six and up, after all. But, these books are perfect reading material for potential VegNews interns looking to participate in next spring's program here in San Francisco. Read up soon, though—applications are due October 1!

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