Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Skincare Products, Cookies, and Books

The Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Delivery: Big Vegan by Robin Asbell, The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner, gluten-free oatmeal-raisin and peanut butter cookies from Tia’s Bakery, and an assortment of skin treatment products from Healing Waters
Staff Pick: Healing Waters’ Skin Treatment line

The DL: While we’re daydreaming in the office about the fabulous Thailand VegVacation that Publisher Joe Connelly and Associate Publisher Colleen Holland are hosting right now, we’ll just pamper ourselves pretty with Healing Waters’ skin treatment products. Even though it doesn’t solve our envy for their scheduled two-hour Thai massage, these products smell great and seem like they'll help take the edge off. But, if you’re like us and crave a little R&R before the holiday madness ensues, there’s still time to sign up for VegNews’ Vegan Yoga Retreat to Mexico, which kicks off on November 26. Bon voyage! 


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