Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Books, books, books!

The Delivery: You Can Heal Yourself by Julie Silver, Gluten-Free and Vegan Holidays by Jennifer Katzinger, and Vegetarian Entrees That Won’t Leave You Hungry by Lukas Volger
Staff Pick: Gluten-Free and Vegan Holidays

The DL: With holiday get-togethers becoming more frequent this time of year, there’s no better opportunity to try some gluten-free recipes for guests. In fact, we have two great guides to get you started—Allergen-Free Game Day will help you prepare the perfect football spread that’s safe for most people to eat, and an amazing gluten-free Thanksgiving menu, featuring a gorgeous Cranberry Orange Ice Cream Pie for dessert. If you want any other last-minute holiday feast tips direct from vegan chefs, join in our Twitter chat tomorrow evening at 6:00 PST. Thanksgiving is next week! Are you prepared?


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