Monday, November 14, 2011

Kale Chips

The Delivery: Brad’s Raw Chips in varieties made from kale, sweet potato, and red bell pepper
Staff Pick: Vampire Killer kale chips

The DL: Hello, kale—our Veggie Award winner for The “It” Vegetable! Between kale salad after countless kale salad for lunch and Kale and Apple Soup and Ranch Kale Chips, this veggie is taking over America, one leaf at a time. On a broader note, want to know who’s changing the world? Earth Island Institute is hosting a special celebration of “Eco-Amazons: Women Environmental Leaders Who are Transforming the World” this Thursday in Berkeley, and VegNews has a pair of tickets to give away. Winning is easy—just retweet the post from VegNews’ twitter feed for your chance by 5:00 PT today! Good luck.

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